
Showing posts from 2013

Book Review of 'The Orange Hangover' by Rahul Saini

Anyone who loves reading books which tickle their funny bone would love reading ‘The Orange Hangover by Rahul Saini’. Rahul Saini is an Indian architect-turned-author. His writing, classified under the contemporary fiction genre, focuses on the vibrant, fun-loving nature of young Indians in the 21st century. Rahul Saini is also the bestselling author of the book “Those Small Lil Things” which has earned accolades from all quarters and has been ranked one of the Top 5 books by NDTV and many other publishing houses. The title really caught my eye and made me think how can one have a hangover with orange juice? (Since it has orange juice on its cover page) I surveyed the book to look at the font and the number of pages and I find that it has a different kind of a font which truly attracts the reader while the total numbers of pages are 244. I also liked the headings of the book like: My mom, ladies and  gentleman; I don’t like fat aunties; Must (not) burn the table, etc. The...

Attitude is Everything

Humans have tremendous potential. We work hard and pay the price that success and happiness demand. Each of us has the ability to put our unique human potential and acquire the desired result. But one thing that determines the level of our potential that produces the intensity of our activity, and that predicts the quality of our result we receive is our ATTITUDE. A child once asked the balloon vendor who was selling colourful helium balloons whether the blue coloured balloon will go high in the sky than the green coloured balloon. The balloon vendor replied, “It is not the colour of the balloon but what is inside it that makes it go high.” Attitude is a predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude influences an individual's choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards. Attitude is simply a method by which you let others know what you feel. It’...

'V Day'

Ttttringgg Ttttringgg goes the alarm right at 7 am. I snoozed the alarm to ten minutes and went back to sleep. After some time I rolled on the bed and glanced the alarm. It's 7.32 am! I got up hurriedly and said, "Oh my god! I'm late. Jake?! Darling?! Why didn't you wake me up? What about breakfast? And I'll be late for the office too." My husband says, "Darling, you snoozed the alarm three times already and I tried to wake you up 10 minutes ago but you just went into deep slumber. Were you so tired yesterday?" "Yeah I was... but then..." "That's okay Stace. I have already prepared it. Just get up and get ready for office." I exclaim, "But.. I wanted to prepare something special TODAY because..." "It's Thursday today. Nothing more than that and what a cool weather it is! Just have your coffee, you'll be fine." "Okay, no problem Jake." But of course, I am unhappy. How can Ja...

Anger Management

Aristotle quoted “Anybody can become angry, that is easy, but to be angry with right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose and in the right way, that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.” Anger is a normal, healthy emotion, but when chronic, explosive anger spirals out of control, it can have serious consequences for your relationships, your health, and your state of mind. Anger is a very powerful emotion that can stem from feelings of frustration, hurt, annoyance, or disappointment. Anger is also a mixture of both emotional and physical changes. Anger is like fire, it can burn you if it is not controlled. It can create disasters so it needs to be channelled productively. For e.g.- Fire when used in a controlled way aids in cooking food but uncontrolled fire may lead to destruction. Anger takes everyone in its arms. Whenever a person is angry, the people near him get angry too. Anger makes everyone a slave and a...